Letter to the Editor
Help us build support for Mark’s campaign and the issues that matter to us all by writing a letter to the editor of your local paper!
Some helpful tips: keep it short (250 to 300 words) and focus on one issue or thing; relate the letter to your own life and experience; and express the 2-3 most important reasons why you support Mark Fernald for State Senator. Then email the letter to your local newspaper(s) listed below. Please send us a copy once it runs (or in advance if you want input) at mark@markfernald.com. Thanks so much for your support!
Nashua Telegraph | letters@nashuatelegraph.com
New Hampshire Union Leader | opinion@unionleader.com
Milford Cabinet | cabnews@cabinet.com
Bedford Journal | cabnews@cabinet.com
Bedford Bulletin https://www.bedfordbulletin.com/content/letter-editor
The Amherst Citizen | news@amherstcitizen.com
Keene Sentinel | letters@keenesentinel.com
Monadnock Ledger-Transcript | news@ledgertranscript.com
Concord Monitor | letters@cmonitor.com
The Hippo | news@hippopress.com